Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Steps In Drawing Eyes

Eyes design is one of Vitals image of a man or an image of a human face. The eyes are one of the main elements of a human body, because it on the Sense of Sight & Help us, and distinguish between different shapes and colors. Other than the exercise of their fundamental function visionary Eyes are the mirror to the soul. Many eyes betray a person. They reflect the inside of a person independently, including their own, or expression, emotions, personality, thinking, etc. For this reason, most artists special emphasis on Eyes, while painting of a human figure. If well designed, Eyes able to make a living as a breath on the face or the inanimate. Drawing Eyes able to do most of the expressions, artists, wants, for his painting of a human face or images.

Because of the complexity of expressions and feelings that Eyes May as one of the most difficult to draw functions in a human face, if the interests of all in one. And the jury is a few simple steps for creating Eye. Lets have a look.

1• observation. Before you start drawing Eyes, a good overview of their scope and form. Note every little detail of the eye, like the shape of the Eyeball, iris, the lid Eye, Eye brewing, and skin, to name some.
2• Drawing plan. Draw a sketch of light a pair of eyes. They just simply an oval.
3• Eye Corners. Draw a rough outline of the Eyes on the oval. To meet its internal and external angles.
4• students. Draw students through the eyes. Place it correctly in the direction you want your eyes to read.
5• Skin texture. Be sure to small details to the eyes, such as wrinkles, lines, etc, and, because it could look overall.
6• Shading. According to the source of light, starting grid in the region and for the eyes. Finally, areas of shade for the eyes, as realists. The eyes a little darker their curves left and right. This is the urgent need for circularity of the Eyeball.
7• The hairy. For more live images of real Eyes, add eyelashes and eyebrows.

Eyes design right is crucial for the soul of a table. Eye drawing takes a lot of practice, but as they say, "The exercise makes you perfect, therefore, have fun and practice for perfection will soon be home.